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Updating the essential careers programme documents.

Helps you meet Benchmarks:

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Review and update the careers plan answers the following questions:

  • Why is it important to review and update the school careers plan?
  • How will you go about reviewing and updating the plan?
  • Who else should be involved in reviewing and updating the plan?

Review and update the careers activity calendar plan answers the following questions:

  • Why should you review and update the careers activity calendar?
  • How will you go about reviewing and updating the activity calendar?
  • Who else will be involved in reviewing and updating the activity calendar?

Review and update the Provider Access Statement answers the following questions:

  • Why is it important to review and update the Provider Access Statement?
  • How will you go about reviewing and updating the statement?
  • Who else should be involved in reviewing and updating the statement?

Review and update the school careers webpage answers the following questions:

  • Why should you review and update the school careers webpage?
  • How will you review and update the careers webpage?
  • Who will be involved in reviewing and updating the webpage?

Review and update careers in curriculum audit answers the following questions:

  • Why should you review and update the careers in the curriculum audit?
  • How will you go about reviewing and updating the audit?
  • Who else should be involved in reviewing and updating the audit?

Record student activity answers the following questions:

  • Why is it important to record students careers activity?
  • How will you go about recording student activity?
  • Who else should be involved in recording student activity?
  • It also provides a downloadable spreadsheet activity tracker.

Example Content

There are 6 key elements within the Admin and management activities section - a sample can be seen here.

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